There’s a feeling we all get when something has run its course and it’s time to explore new possibilities. Maybe you’ve thought about going into business for yourself but you weren’t really sure where to start. In this article, we discuss the 5 signs it’s time for you to take the next steps and pursue going into business for yourself. 1) You hate your day job, 2) You want to skip the commute, 3) you need more flexibility, 4) You want to make a difference in your community, 5) You want to spend your time making money for yourself and having more control over your future.

1—You hate your day job

It happens; sometimes you start a job and work at that job for a long period of time with no serious issues, until things change that are out of your control. It might even be you who has changed to the point that your day job no longer serves your needs. You may feel like you are just spinning your wheels at every job you’ve ever held and are weary of feeling like you are getting nowhere. You may need the time that you spend at your day job to focus on your family, or you may want to go back to school.

Perhaps you’re just tired of doing the same old thing for so long, for a company that doesn’t appreciate your input or give you credit for your ideas and contributions to the company. Maybe you daydream of owning your own home-based business, where you are the boss! Wouldn’t it be nice to work from home!

2—You want to skip the commute

Whether it’s to save time and money or to save the planet, you know you’re really getting tired of commuting to a job an hour or more drive away from your home base! You could be spending the time it takes to drive into the city, sit in traffic, and drive home on developing your own home-based business, or at least researching home-based business opportunities, such as a Money Mailer franchise. Of course, your home-based business would probably require  driving around your community, but don’t the pros outweigh the cons of facing an hour or more commute every day?

Wouldn’t your stress levels be a lot lower if you didn’t have to fight traffic to get to work and back? Couldn’t you spend more time with your family if you didn’t have to spend so much time in your car every weekday! Also, wouldn’t owning your own business give you more flexibility in your schedule?

3—You need more flexibility

Do you feel like you could get more accomplished if you didn’t have to go to the office every day? When you’re the boss, you have the power to schedule your time, so that you have time to help your clients grow their businesses, go to the gym, and take your kids to the park, as well. A Money Mailer franchise opportunity makes it easy to balance your life with your work. Money Mailer’s fully integrated marketing package includes hyper-local direct mail coupons combined with digital placements on, the Money Mailer Mobile Coupon App, social media, email and more.

Also, most of the backend of this coupon mailer business is automated, with the Money Mailer system designing, printing and mailing ads, in addition to helping franchisees process mailings, while you focus on meeting and developing strong relationships as the go-to marketing service for local businesses in your community, as well as performing  customer service for your clients. You live in the same business community as your clients, and you want to collaborate with other members of your community to increase traffic and sales for your local shopping areas.

4—You want to make a difference in your community

When you own a home-based business, such as Money Mailer, you can make a difference in your community, by helping local businesses market their brands. Because you live in the same business community as your clients, you can build strong relationships with local businesses to increase traffic and promote sales, via exclusive coupons, through a successful system that boasts 46 years of experience in optimizing local business’ marketing budgets.

Additionally, you will be able to make a difference in your community, by collaborating with local businesses and local not-for-profits to support community causes. Also, living in the same community as your Money Mailer clients allows your business to gain the respect of your clients, which leads to brand loyalty and referrals that can help grow your business. Also, by providing your clients with the marketing tools that can grow their local businesses, you can become their go-to marketing solution, as a member of  your local community! With the support of  local businesses, you can focus on your Money Mailer franchise and make plans for your future.

5—You want to spend your time making money for yourself and having more control over your future

When you spend your time developing your home- based business, you are driven to make money for yourself. With a proven system, such as Money Mailer, you are backed by a network of support that helps you get your marketing business up and running quickly and start making money for yourself. Instead of spending your time and talents working for someone else, all of the effort, ideas, and time you invest in building strong relationships and growing your clients’ businesses, directly impacts your ability to make money and grow your own business and start making plans for your future.

When it’s time to go into business for yourself, Money Mailer offers a B2B franchise opportunity that blends the best of print and digital advertising to allow you to serve your clients as local marketing professionals, as well as grow your own business through multiple advertising revenue streams.  Go to Money Mailer franchise to learn more!